
  • fix california's crumbling infrastructure by rebuilding road and bridges, constructing a high-speed rail system, and upgrading the electric grid with battery storage capacity to enable a shift towards reliable, clean and plentiful renewable energy that is crucial for california's economic growth. additionally, we plan to address conflicts between urban residents, farmers, and environmentalists by developing water storage facilities, implementing water recycling programs, and adopting advanced desalination technologies.
  • simplify the process of starting a business in california to be as effortless as setting up an online account, allowing entrepreneurs to concentrate on realizing their aspirations and boosting our economy, instead of being burdened by administrative hurdles.
  • adopting a universal basic income (ubi) in california could help reduce poverty, provide economic security, and stimulate spending. it could also simplify social assistance systems, in addition to providing a financial safety net for entrepreneurs to pursue ambitious ideas and those who suffer job losses due to automation.
  • move state government agencies away from sacramento and decentralize them across the state, bringing them closer to the people.
  • we need a statewide psychiatric and addiction care system, cal-psych, because the county-based system is expensive, wasteful and counties are overwhelmed. we will enforce laws to save our cities and get the mentally ill the help they need to stay off our streets.
  • encourage organic, non-gmo, and sustainable farming practices, promote humane treatment of livestock, and support small independent farms through incentives.
  • housing affordability in california involves curbing speculative real estate investments and short-term rentals (such as airbnb), repurposing public land for affordable housing, offering assistance to first-time home buyers, and encouraging the construction and transformation of structures into residential units.
  • eliminate the state income tax and replace it with a geoist land tax.
  • more police, more resources to solve crimes, and more consequences for criminals.
  • give students a tuition credit to pick any school they want to attend. education is a human right and our children should be able to choose where they receive it.